By | September 7, 2023

If you haven’t started a blog yet, you should seriously consider getting started sooner rather than later. It’s easy to create a blog, and once you’ve started blogging, you can start building your audience and earn a steady income.

If you’re looking to start a blog to make money online, you’ve probably thought about a couple of things: how to do blogging in WordPress, WordPress free blog, free blog sites, WordPress blog examples, WordPress login, WordPress blog templates, how to start a blog, how to create a blog for free and make money, WordPress website builder and WordPress for blogging. 

How to create a blog for free and make money blogging in WordPress.

Blogging is not a new concept. Many people have done it for years. But, blogging is something that everyone does differently and has their own process and methods.

So, when you are creating a blog, what steps do you need to do? This article outlines how you can start a blog with WordPress, make money, and grow a business.

Blog Basics

Many people don’t realize that it’s possible to build a successful blog from scratch. A lot of people who start blogs do it without any plan. They just want to start writing.

But there are a lot of things you need to consider before you launch your blog. You’ll need to have a plan, and you’ll need to stick to it. And you’ll need to be patient and consistent. Otherwise, your readers won’t visit your site.

The first thing you should know about blogging is that it’s not rocket science. It’s not even hard work. Just keep doing what you’re doing. Write a blog post. Post it. Repeat.

There’s really nothing complicated here. So if you have questions or need help getting started, just keep reading, and don’t feel bad if you get stuck along the way.

Choose the Right Domain Name and Hosting

Your domain name (aka the URL) and hosting plan will both determine how easy or difficult it will be to build your site. If you choose a domain that’s too similar to another website, you’ll have to make sure there’s no confusion between the two of you.

When it comes to hosting, make sure your host offers plenty of space for your content. The more content you can store online, the better. This will help to keep your website loading quickly, reduce the likelihood of downtime, and decrease the chances of being flagged for bad or malicious links.

There’s no doubt that picking the right domain name is the single most important thing you can do to maximize your chances of getting found. So it pays to spend some time researching potential names and looking for a domain name that is memorable, has a strong brand, and is short.

Once you’ve found a good name that is available, you need to choose a web hosting company. A domain name without a web host is like having a great house, but no water, electricity, or heat. If you don’t have a web host, you need to decide on a hosting provider, then sign up with them, and finally purchase a domain name from them.

Install WordPress

A common mistake beginners make when installing a new blog on their website is not configuring their blog with WordPress. They assume they can just install it on their site and it will work as it did before.

This is not the case. If you choose not to install WordPress, you will end up with a website that looks exactly like what you had before. Not only that, but the way you organize your content, your themes, and plugins, and your social media connections will all have to be redone.

Find and Install Plugins

WordPress is a CMS platform that allows users to build websites using a variety of different plugins (i.e., add-ons). There are thousands of plugins available for it that allow users to customize the platform to their exact specifications.

If you aren’t finding the plugin you need to use, you can always install one. If you’re not sure if the plugin you need is available, you can always check out, a website created by the WordPress community that lists all of the different plugins available.

In fact, there are thousands of free and premium plugins that can really take your blog to new heights. But, it takes a lot of time to find, install, and configure them. So, it’s smart to start by identifying the plugins you need for your site’s specific needs, such as a custom solution for a particular function or feature. Once you’ve found those plugins, it’s best to install them directly on your site.

Customize Your Appearance

With all of the options available to customize the appearance of your web page, many people end up with pages that look too similar. Make sure you have a clear vision of the style that you want to present before you begin designing.

Once you’ve made your choice, stick to it. Don’t be tempted to stray from your plan. You may end up with a page that doesn’t feel like it matches your brand identity and, therefore, could turn off potential customers.

If you don’t have the skills or the time, consider hiring a designer or someone else who can help you create an effective presence online. It’s true, that you don’t have to pay thousands of dollars to create a professional-looking website, but you do need to invest a few hundred dollars to hire a designer.

Set Up Social Sharing Buttons

Setting up social sharing buttons (e.g., Twitter, Facebook) on your blog is a pretty easy way to encourage your readers to share your content on the internet.

By placing share buttons on your blog, you’re essentially saying, “Hey, check this out! It’s so awesome!” So how can you make sure you’re using share buttons in a way that works best for you?

Start Writing!

Once you’ve determined your goal for your post, it’s time to start writing. Just as you wouldn’t run a marathon without training, you can’t produce blog posts without writing them first. So, what should you write?

Think about your audience. Who is your ideal reader? Who will enjoy your ideas and opinions? Do your research. Read blogs. Read books. Read magazines. Do some online research. And read more. Learn everything you can about your topic.


In conclusion, WordPress is a free and easy-to-use tool for blogging. WordPress has thousands of free plugins and themes available, making it an ideal platform for those wanting to jump into blogging.

WordPress is an open-source blogging platform that is used by millions of blogs worldwide. In this tutorial, we will go through the steps of installing, configuring, and optimizing WordPress.

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